Tuesday, July 8, 2008

5 weeks 2 days

Went to go drag out my old pregnancy books...What To Expect and the others...and I must have sold them! LOL Can't find them anywhere.

Since I'm so lucky to have such easy pregnancies, I'm really enjoying this again. I feel icky but I'm enjoying the "glow".

Got my first "so do you know what you are having?" LOL At 5 weeks? Not exactly. LOL

Been thinking about how to set up the mini-van come spring. As much as we are kicking ourselves for buying that van (CHEETAH!), it looks like it'll be put to good use now. I'm guessing Flicka will go in the back row with Pojke and Böna in the middle row. Another option would be Böna in middle with the other two in the back and we remove the remaining middle seat for space to move around and put the bags.

Just occurred to me today that I will be carrying a diaper bag for ANOTHER 2-3 years! *eyes rolling*

I have too much gray hair for this! LOL

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