Tuesday, July 29, 2008

8 weeks 2 days

OB history appt tomorrow. Let the blood letting and the 100 invasive/embarassing questions commence! LOL

But, also have on my mind that it appears in the last two years since we had Pojke that we will have the option for the genetic testing NOW during first triemster instead of having to wait until 2nd trimester.

Due to that, need to do some thinking about whether to take the testing this time. And, the testing may also mean getting an ultrasound as early as next week. At least I think.

Lots to consider and decide in the next 48 hours...

Also, noticed my tummy (near the hernia spot) being very tender yesterday while juggling the bouncing the alundry basket on my belly yesterday.

Later: Taking out the trash - noticed the sore tummy muscles while the recycle bin was bouncing off my belly as I walked.

And, my love/hate with the morning sickness: I hate being sick but at least I know I'm still pregnant...

Just really nervous about tomorrow and not finding out any bad news.

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